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Mulher caminhando na praia


Psychotherapy  individual

Individual psychotherapy is a space for personal development that allows us to get out of automatic patterns of behavior that do not reflect the life we want. In session, we seek to understand these patterns to make more conscious choices, in addition to developing other ways of relating to our internal and external world. 

Psychotherapy for children and adolescents 

 Psychotherapy for children and adolescents aims to help this population and their families during this period of growth. At this stage there are many possibilities and also risks, so it may be essential to have the help of a professional at this time to contribute to the management with the child or adolescent so that this phase is as preserved and healthy as possible. 

online psychotherapy

In recent years we have lived a change that no one expected, with the pandemic, virtual platforms have become not just an option, but a rule for many. This adaptation made it possible for us to keep things that are important in our lives, one of which is therapy.  

Regarding online service, the president of CRPRS highlighted that work in this format did not start with the pandemic, as this type of service is regulated by CFP Resolution nº 11/2018. “It was only necessary to create a faster way to make online service more flexible. Ethical care and confidentiality issues remain the same.”

In this modality, the service follows the same dynamics as the face-to-face service. We will talk, do exercises, when necessary homework, and if I need to give you some material, I will send or share my computer screen.  

I have experience in this format, both as a therapist and as a patient, and my experience is one of positive results.


My Approach

Contextual Behavioral Therapies brought a new perspective to my life. It is not enough to theoretically understand its concepts, it is necessary to experience it to make sense, and this is how I constantly seek to maintain coherence in my behaviors every day, implementing this worldview that has brought me more wisdom to handle difficult situations, and enjoy even more the life I choose to have!  

When experiencing this approach and realizing how much lighter it made my life, I didn't think twice about deepening my theoretical knowledge, to share with my clients this worldview that doesn't try to flower everything all the time, but that allows us to  perceive the beauty of a life even with the pain and adversities that are present in human existence.

Minha Abordgem
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